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Headteacher's Welcome

 Dear Parents / Carers,

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Swanage Primary School. We are a school that is dedicated to developing the knowledge, skills and values for pupils to enable them to live fulfilling lives as global, national citizens of the future. We care for every child and this is reflected in the ethos that you will find here. We support the development of the whole child and we aim to foster key values for life.  Our school principles state that:


  • We aim to inspire all our children to reach their full potential, whether they have academic, musical, artistic or sporting excellence or for that matter, any other talent, hidden or otherwise!


  • We are a creative school – a school where children thrive, whatever their ability


  • Our children are encouraged to make positive contributions to the community and to be known for being enquiring, responsible and respectful.


  • We all enjoy learning together – developing the skills to succeed in school and beyond


Our Aims for our Successful School


  • For all children to leave us as confident, well-rounded individuals who can easily adapt to the next phase of their education, our pupils will be able to make the right choices and form healthy relationships as they become responsible citizens of wider communities.


  • Through our inclusive approach, our children will be treated consistently with kindness, respect and fairness. This will be reflected in high expectations of behaviour for and by everyone.


  • We are committed to creatively providing opportunities that inspire and encourage our children, appreciating all their unique needs.


  • In our school, children will be happy, valued individuals who are encouraged to be confident, curious and resourceful learners.


  • They will learn in stimulating and exciting ways in a vibrant, inviting, enriching and spacious environment.


  • Everyone’s views will be valued and listened to with, wherever practical, children taking an active role in their learning and in making decisions that affect them


  • We understand that children get one chance at primary schooling. It is our responsibility and privilege to provide the best for them. We will continue to be proud of our fabulous school, our children and their achievements.


  • The school adheres to the UNICEF Children's Convention reinforcing that all children are individuals with rights and responsibilities that should be championed and cherished.

The staff at Swanage Primary school make the education of their pupils their first concern. They promote the highest possible standards in work and conduct.  When your child starts with us, you also become a valued partner in your child’s learning journey. We wish to work closely with you to ensure your child is able to thrive. 

 Our highly skilled and dedicated staff team create a welcoming and stimulating learning environment where your child will be supported and nurtured to achieve their potential. We use a broad and balanced curriculum to meet the needs of our pupils, enabling them to achieve their full educational potential and make progress in learning.  Lessons are carefully planned to engage a range of different learning styles and actively promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. We are committed to creating learning opportunities, through our curriculum, that are engaging, challenging and fun. We aim to inspire all children by making learning irresistible!

 Finally, we are proud and privileged to be leading your child through this exciting first stage of their school education. We will endeavour to ensure that their experience with us is the best that it can be.



Mr. Martin Godfrey

