Hi we are the School Councillors of Swanage Primary.
We work together to make the school a better place. Bringing sensible ideas from everyone, making it a more friendly school!
In previous years the School Councillors have achieved lots of things such as improving the litter situation in the playground by choosing the penguin bins, this has helped all children around the school to keep the playground litter free. Last year they helped to improve the behaviour during school time by discussing ideas with their classes and working with Miss Etherington (school council teacher), promoting the four school rules, be safe, be responsible, be respectful and be kind also Dojo points, which is used in KS2. We feel this has improved most people's behaviours. They did lots of positive things that helped the school become a more friendly place.
This year we want to talk with our classes to see which areas we (the School Councillors) want to focus on.
All the School Councillors want every one to look at the School Council notice board because there is lots of information about School Council. So when you go past please have a look at it.
There are 12 school councillors altogether - 2 from each class. You can spot us, as we proudly wear our badges each day.
We are all very excited to help and improve our school even further this year.
From the Swanage Primary school Councillors